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in Steelheader's Journal?
Leading Authority for Steelhead Fly Fishing
- Reach Affluent Readers Who Actively Fish And Can Shape Your Bottomline
- The Best Selling Fly Fishing Steelhead Magazine in the West
- Out-Sells Competing Publications 3:1
- Stunning Photography, Great Editorial, Smart Design
- Bucket List Destination Features
- Shelf Life. Every issue is jammed packed with so much information it's used as a reference tool
- Cutting Edge Technique Articles
- Two-Hand Rod Reviews
- Photo Essays
- Website Advertising to Complement Your Print Advertising
- Stories that will move readers into action therefore positively affecting your company’s bottomline
- Increased Distribution in Fly Shops Throughout the West
- Fly Tying Instructions from proven fly anglers. Step-by-step instruction
- Affordable Advertising Rates
- Contact Pat Hoglund @ 503-284-4383 or pathoglund@comcast.net for a rate card